Brahmarshi Seva Sanstha was conceptualise in the last quarter of 2020 by handful of dedicated and committed persons of Bhumihar cast of different walk of life viz Atomic Energy, Defence, Para Military, Income Tax, Banking, I.T.sectors, Pharmaceuticals, Shipping co. Pvt. Entrepreneurs etc.
They all unite together and penning down the conceptual thought of each and every individual dreaming for an organization exclusive to promote Sanatan Sanskriti in order to inculcate Sansakara in our Kids and to preserve the Unique race of Bhumihar Brahmin.
Slowly slowly things get precipitated due to long and exhaustive deliberation by a group of dedicated people.
The broad AIMS AND OBJECTIVES of our Sanstha as filed in our Memorandum of Association is as follows :-
- To make best efforts for creating mutual harmony, co-operation and love and affection amongst the members.
- To create awareness as to the cultural heritage and its contribution to larger human civilization amongst members and community at large.
- To facilitate, encourage and educate members to contribute to the society at large through their enhanced skills.
- To organize and mobilize resources to help underprivileged children acquire skills and training to serve them economy and thus gain livelihood and become financially empowered in society.
- To facilitate creation of human resources leading to tangible and intangible societal assets that further aims and objects of association.
- To arrange and organise social and cultural functions from time to time.
- To advance literacy and general education in such subjects as the association may think fit, among the public.
- To establish and conduct schools, colleges, coaching classes in all or any subjects and to undertake other activities relating to education.
- To publish books, periodicals another literature in any subject of general interest or utility.
- To cooperate with institutions and associations having similar aims and objects.
- To make adequate arrangements for patients coming for their treatment in our jurisdiction in terms of the financial help, temporary accommodation and other related activity.